I remember all those guys from back when there was the chat functions. Valis really made me question some things. Seems like a lifetime ago.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Talking of 'Old Timers'.....Valis BigTex OnaCruise etc
by ScottyRex inwhat happened to these guys.
i remember chatting and sparring with these guys years ago.
i read on here that onacruise passed away (craig) that was a shame he was a good man, and his ex wife kate.
Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine
Sorry VI but Hilary wasn't a better choice. I was in a evil cult for many years, so I do understand the word evil.
All the talk about blowing up the planet is fear mongering, much like the Watchtower does. Trying to instill a rabid fear of the future, unless we all join the Watchtower err I mean the anti-Trump movement.
Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine
Trump is not going to start a nuclear war (ie Armageddon). He cares too much about his own interests to do that.
if it's not Jehovah ending the world, it's Trump, hasn't everyone had enough of this kind of crazy talk already?!?
why haven't the elders talked to him yet???
by Homer notsimpson inmy brother got himself in hot water, ive been posting alot about this only cuz i care for him so much.the story goes like this, ge and a girl wete sexting very on and off for a year, they haven't sexted in a year due to her finding a bf... they were engaged in less than a year, and it broke off in august ,she tries to commit suicide, and talked to the elders, she told my brother that and that shes gonna tell on him too.. she got df in august ( shes been reproved before) and its now january 2017.. she claims that she did tell, but because the elders didn't know what his hall was they couldn't do anything, is that a possibility?
why haven't they talked to him?
could it bw that she didn't tell on him?
just fine
Let it go, get on with life. If they had something on him they would have come after him already.
Maybe she did tell and the elders think she is a nut, so didn't do anything with it. Maybe she didn't tell....
Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm think with the president having the ability to use nuclear weapons the need for a psychological exam should be a must for world safety because of the very real damage an easily offended narcissist could do if in a narcissistic rage he had access to nuclear weapons.
since he has clearly shown he has all 100% of the signs that he is one,, surely he can be impeached over this even in conservative run house and senate.
i think the united states owes the world that precaution to not let a mad man have access to nuclear weapons.
just fine
It's not like Hilary was any better. Still evil, a narcissist, just a different agenda. I don't love Trump either, but..........
The sky is falling, it's the end of the world, Armageddon is going to happen, except it never does. He was elected because a lot of people voted for him.
How would you feel if Hilary had won and everyone was pulling all this shit? It would probably be blamed on misogyny, not the fact that she is a bad choice too.
FWD: let's get JW's propaganda out of Disneyland
by jacobm innot sure if this has already been submitted, but we need exjws to mobilize on this.. from: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/5kzyfn/lets_get_jws_propaganda_out_of_disneyland/.
posted by: sweetpotatopeachtree .
i submitted the following on the disneyland facebook page (link below) on december 19th after seeing jws peddling their cult propaganda at downtown disney in anaheim, ca.
just fine
I can't believe they let them set up on Disney property. That's the last thing I want to see when going for a day of very expensive fun.
New KH being built near where I live
by A Believer inthere are two kingdom halls in two parts of the county i live in.
one is smaller and their are already about to begin work to replace with a new one.. just posting because i noticed posts saying their wasn't new khs being built.
and i learned this today from someone..
just fine
by A Believer inyou guys do know that if you just leave and never go back you wont be disfellowshiped right?
i know people who have done exactly this.
you have to commit a sin and you or someone else has to tell a elder.
just fine
I think you are missing the point in your own post. You can't ever really leave , because someone else will report you to the elders for a sin. Even though the things Jehivahs Witnesses consider sinful are not. They don't understand - it's not for them to decide what is right for anyone else.
I did fade by moving thousands of miles away from home. Then no one knows who you are, so they can't stalk you. I have family members who weren't so lucky. After years of not attending meetings, they were stalked by elders trying to find something on them to disfellowship them. Please stop trying the feign being naïve, we all know how Jehovahs Witnesses work. Go try to fool some vulnerable "worldly" person who doesn't know any better.
Is it morally wrong to put Watchtower behind?
by Darkknight757 inwith our latest and final run in with the elders, the wife and i had a very long talk about what's next in our life.
do we try to help others see the light as it were concerning watchtower or do we just let it go and move on with our life?
we have made it perfectly clear that we will never go back to watchtower and we are finally happy.
just fine
I don't think it's wrong to make your own decision about what is right for you and your wife. Unlike in the organization, you can also change your mind as you learn and grow 😀. I don't do too much activist wise, because I think people have to find their own path.
I saw watchtower and awakes at our local court house, I ripped them up, and told the county commissioners that type of thing has no business in a secular building. Apparently an employee put them in the waiting area, not anymore! I will do stuff like that, as it comes up, but for the most part I just ignore everything JW related. It's not worth my time.
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
just fine
Oh boy another believe or die thread.